The Surcon Surveys




We work to help an organization meet its strategic objectives by identifying and acting on the input of its staff. Since a company‘s strategic objectives might be anything from increasing profitability to defining internal management candidates, we‘ve developed survey assessment models and tools designed for specific purposes.

The Organizational Survey Assessment
The Employee Opinion Survey measures each staff member‘s perceptions of the workplace and the links to work motivation. It helps identify the employee populations‘ unique strengths and growth areas, which, if addressed properly, can help the company meet its‘ strategic goals.

The Small Group Survey Assessment
The eLink 360 Feedback Survey measures the professional qualities of managers against a number of criteria, from the perspective of supervisors, peers, and subordinates. It helps employees address their professional opportunity areas. More detail on this survey tool can be found at

The Individual Leadership Assessment
The Individual Leadership Assessment measures the unique leadership strengths and weaknesses of managers against a range of values gathered from some of today‘s top business leaders. It helps individuals identify their unique strengths and weaknesses as leaders.








  © 2016 Surcon International, Inc.

  Surcon International, Inc.
  1341 Fullerton Avenue
  Suite #306
  Chicago, IL 60614

  contact: Dr. Richard Petronio
  telephone: 505.699.4816

  This site was designed and implemented by:

  Ed de Ugarte